Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro

Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro

Give Your Cast and Crew the Tools for a Successful Rehearsal Process

Whether it’s lost scripts, forgotten choreography and blocking, or even cast missing rehearsals for any number of reasons – when it comes to putting on a show, keeping everyone engaged and on track is a daily feat to conquer. 

We know that, as the director of a theatre production, you’re probably wearing a lot of hats (if not all of them). That’s why we’ve built ProductionPro to help you keep your cast and crew up to date and excited to play their part in your production from day one! 

By keeping the members of your production on the same page, ProductionPro helps you inspire your cast and crew to dive into the work every day.

ProductionPro’s innovative and online sharing platform enables you to direct everyone to a single-source that contains your on-going rehearsal information. Your cast and crew will have immediate digital access to the most up-to-date versions of the script and piano vocal score, which you can share real-time blocking and script notes to. What’s more, ProductionPro enables you, as the director, to upload any research images, music rehearsal recordings, and choreography videos for everyone to reference, all linked to the appropriate scenes and characters.

ProductionPro is the FIRST and ONLY Learning Management System for Theatre that Allows You To:
  • Digitally distribute your MTI script and piano and vocal score to your cast and crew
  • Share script notes with your cast and crew
  • Link research and references directly to the appropriate characters and scenes
  • Post and update recorded video footage of choreography, blocking, and music rehearsals
  • Share all of your rehearsal material online and in one place
  • Interact with a visual breakdown of your script

ProductionPro is a simple and versatile platform that can be seamlessly accessed on all devices including smartphones, laptops, and tablets.

There’s a reason why ProductionPro is trusted by over 60,000 theatre people and counting. Enter our world today and experience the most engaging and exciting rehearsal process that will have your cast and crew beaming with pride! 

Explore ProductionPro's Features Here.

Take A Tour

Free Content for Your Favorite Stage Manager: ProductionPro sat with Broadway stage manager vets Amber White and Tim Semon to bring you their battle-tested secrets for smooth rehearsals. Check out what they had to say!

Using ProductionPro During Pre-Production

Before rehearsal begins, ProductionPro gives you and your cast and crew the chance to immediately engage with the material. By attaching both research and references to relevant moments in the script, your cast can immediately get an idea of your vision. From characterization to set design and atmosphere – as well as your production’s musical numbers – your cast and crew can go through your ideas before day one of rehearsals.

Using ProductionPro During Rehearsals

When it comes to the rehearsal process, ProductionPro enables you to effortlessly compartmentalize your thoughts. Now, you can efficiently create notes for different categories such as blocking, designs, line notes, and more – directly on the pages of your script. You will be able to instantly share these notes as well as update all of your rehearsal videos and music tracks for your cast and crew to review at any time and from anywhere. You will also be able to share links to specific rehearsal materials or script pages, helping your cast and crew easily access the specific material you wish for them to focus on. .

What’s included with ProductionPro?

ProductionPro comes pre-populated with digital versions of the script and score* provided with your show license, such as the Libretto Vocal Book, Piano Vocal Score, etc. Each order also includes:

  • An Interactive Character-Scene Breakdown
  • Up to 5GB of storage
  • The ability to add up to 100 collaborators

You can check ProductionPro’s website to view a specific list of materials provided for each show. Once you’ve added ProductionPro to your MTI license, you will receive access within 3 business days via the email you provided while ordering.

*Orchestral scores not included.


Questions & Answers

September 03, 2024
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro, Transpositions-On-Demand
I would like to ask if there is a way to have digital score for orchestration of a musical? In XML file or Sibelius?
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May 28, 2022
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro, Shrek The Musical, Sister Act JR.
Can Production Pro be used offline?

Most of our members have smart devices, but wifi isn't available in our rehearsal space and many of them don't have data.  Can the kids use their Production Pro scripts offline during rehearsals, and afterwards, once they have wifi at home, get the updates that the Production team is putting in during the rehearsal?

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April 22, 2022
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro
Viva Forever

Good Afternoon, I am writing to see if the performing rights for Viva Forever (Spice Girls Musical) is currently available?

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February 26, 2022
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro, Tick, Tick... Boom!
Pricing and Flexibility with the Book

Hello everyone

I'm looking to do a small local production of the musical Tick Tick Boom. I've never gone through the process of acquiring the rights and running a show, as I have usually been an actor on stage and therefore, have a few questions. How much money am I looking to spend on a smaller show such as this one? and what flexibility do I have with the book? Can I omit lines or make small changes to certain lines if it doesn't affect the story? And finally, am I able to buy the rights as a singular person as oppose to through a theatre company?


Thanks so much for the help everyone!

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August 09, 2021
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro
How much memory is required to run ProductionPro on iphone?

How much memory is required to run ProductionPro on iphone? 

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January 03, 2020
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro, The Drowsy Chaperone
How much memory is required to run ProductionPro on iphone? Macbook Air?
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January 16, 2019
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro, Mamma Mia!
Digital Scripts & Scores ProductionPro

I saw the introductory cost and read the description, but I am still curious... how many users does the price of $199 (introductory price) cover? Or is it $199 per user?  Mamma Mia!  is the show in question and our production is in July of this year.  I love this potential option, but want to be sure how many users are included in the cost of the service.

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January 10, 2019
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro
How much is production pro for west side story school edition
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August 01, 2018
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro
Can you turn pages of the piano score with a foot pedal in ProductionPro?
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This question has no answers
January 16, 2018
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Related shows or resources: Digital Scripts & Scores – Powered by ProductionPro
Does Production Pro include the Piano Score?
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