Western Star

Western Star
A moving narrative of redemption and romance set in the gun-slinging Old West.

From the pen of the librettist of Man of La Mancha, Dale Wasserman, Western Star is a tale of settlers with sorted pasts who are lured West by its prosperous potential. What they find, however, is worth more than its weight in gold.

The Colorado Territory town, Esperanza (circa 1875) has become the home of multiple individuals with ill-intent. With designs focused primarily on stealing $5,000 set aside by the community to build a church, a group of con-men and thieves set their separate, deceptive plans into action – with the latter being most effective. The plot thickens when one of the pair finds comfort in faith and begins to renounce his past, and another finds the objects of her affections belonging to a rather unlikely candidate. A moving narrative of redemption and romance, Western Star is a rare instance of a serious musical Western.

The gun-slinging, Old-West tuner is a dream come true for creative minds and technical gurus. It has the potential to dazzle audiences with its grand production elements and will especially delight fans of country and folk music. Audiences will appreciate an engaging time at the theatre, with fleshed-out characters and a heartwarming story.


Concert Selections for Western Star

MTI is not currently offering rental materials for this show. Please email concerts@mtishows.com with any questions.


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