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Related shows or resources: Saturday Night
Introduce students to Sondheim with SATURDAY NIGHT
Sondheim musicals can be too challenging and even too adult for high school productions, but a great show for high schools is Sondheim's SATURDAY NIGHT. It is unusually tuneful and much easier to learn and perform well than most other Sondheim shows. All the characters are aged 16 - 24, so the story is not far from students' experiences. There are more than the usual good roles for women in the show and the chorus can be large or as small as 6 people, depending on your needs. The show takes place in 1929, just before the Stock Market Crash, and as each character prepares to take their next big step in life. There is a nice combination of the sweetness of life mixed with hard realities, and how the devotion of friends helps you through challenging times. Take a look at it.