March Madness: Sondheim Edition - Round 3

March Madness: Sondheim Edition - Round 3

We are now down to the Sweet Sixteen! Vote in Round 3 of March Madness: Sondheim Edition!

32 of Sondheim's juiciest characters faced off in Round 2. And now the top 16 remain, ready for you to vote again! Here's an updated printable March Madness: Sondheim Edition Bracket.

Scroll through each of these 8 surveys where the top 16 after Round 2 are paired off. Pick your champions, and be sure to click SUBMIT at the bottom of each individual survey so your votes count! 
Voting for Round 3 ends on Wednesday, March 18 at 5 PM EST









What better way to honor the legendary Stephen Sondheim's incomparable body of work than celebrating his shows, songs, and characters all month long! Did your favorite make the cut or get the ax? Let us know on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter