Leprechauns and Cheerleaders
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Hi! We're doing BRING IT ON at my Woodbridge, NJ high school. I'm on a hunt for a Leprechaun mascot costume, with a head big enough for somewhere to wear. I'm also on the lookout for cheerleader costumes, as wll as a believable looking metal detector the kids at urban school have to walk through. Grateful for any advive.
2 Answers
I'd do the metal detector with PVC pipes and joints and spray it out. It will move on and off the stage quickly if it's light. You can use a half joint to connect the pipe to a solid base (screw in) or use the heavy metal bases to stand alone. You can get PVC cut to about any length at the big box home improvement stores, or do it yourself. I'd use the 8ft standard up and about 3 ft across to mimick dimensions of a real metal detector.
Hi,RB Pop Warner just retired their cheerleader uniforms. They might be willing to sell them. This is their website: http://www.rbpopwarner.org/cheer/. Good luck :)