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Pit orchestra/band parts
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Do any of the Broadway Jr. musicals include pit orchestra/band parts? If so, is there a way to search for those on the website?
5 Answers
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Greetings Dan! I feel your pain of orchestrating for a middle school pit no less!Unfortunately, there are no JR musicals with pit parts. The Student Edition shows designed for HS do have orchestrations and some also have tracks. There is a tremendous amount of time and cost put into recording the accompaniment and rehearsal tracks for the JR shows. They are done in Nashville with top shelf musicians both adult and children. The majority of teachers and Dierectors that use these shows for middle and elementary ages, need the track so our cost is devoted to recording. Of course there is a minority that has a caliber middle school group to service a pit as well as a cast for the show. You must be one of the lucky ones and there are quite a few others that orchestrate it from the Piano/Vocal OR rent the full score to help orchestrate it for the level and number of musicians they have. Put your request out here on Showspace Dan, depending on the show, someone may be happy to rent their work.