Looking Back at JTF West 2017

Looking Back at JTF West 2017
While the winter storms geared up to hit the East Coast the second weekend in February, nearly 2,000 students were ready to storm the stage on the West Coast at the first ever Junior Theater Festival West.
Held in Sacramento, CA, the weekend was packed with talent and entertainment. From the excited groups showing off their hard work during adjudication, the show stopping New Works Showcase featuring upcoming Broadway Junior productions, and the talented celebrity guests (including Oscar Winners Pasek and Paul) - JTF West left an indelible mark on the California Capital.
Check out some highlights below; and be sure to check out our friends at iTheatrics for more information on JTF West and JTF Atlanta.
Students get the incredible opportunity to perform 15 minute highlights of their production for industry insiders. Receiving critiques and suggestions to make their story telling all the more powerful.
(Photo by Marcus Woollen)
New Works Showcase
This year's New Works Showcase included performances from Mary Poppins JR., Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon KIDS, Junie B. Jones the Musical JR., Disney's The Jungle Book KIDS and 101 Dalmatians KIDS.
Magic Tree House: Pirates Past Noon KIDS (Photo by Marcus Woollen)
Junie B. Jones the Musical JR. (Photo by Marcus Woollen)
An Evening with Pasek and Paul
Just weeks before they were Oscar winners for La La Land, MTI Authors Benj Pasek and Justin Paul were headlining JTF West.
Benj Pasek performing at JTF West (Photo by Marcus Woollen).
Shoshana Bean performing with Pasek and Paul (Photo by Marcus Woollen).
Justin Paul and Benj Pasek (Photo by Marcus Woollen)