The Little Mermaid Set For Sale

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  • Row Boat
  • Ariel's Grotto
  • Erik's Ship
  • Titan's Throne
  • Ursula's Lair
  • Ariel's Rock

Complete set for The Little Mermaid created to minimize taking up space in the wings.
- Titan's throne on one side, Ursula's lair on the other.
- Ariel's rock on one side, Ariel's Grotto on the other.
- Erik's ship that splits in half for the storm scene.
- Erik's row boat that hras a false floor so it can be moved around the stage under Erik & Ariel's leg power.
- Also have a set of stairs that was used as Sebastian's dock.

Located in Long Island and great for a school or community theater performance. Just $500 for all.

Contact Pierre at 516-522-1956 -