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Is it true that you try shows{Tarzan, Little Mermaid} to regional theatres before putting it up for licensing?
4 Answers
Staff Answer
We are always looking at new and classic titles in our collection to determine which shows will make for good 30 (Kids) or 60 (Jr) minute adaptations appropriate for the age groups involved.
We always have a number of new works in development, and do many workshops of new Jr/KIDS titles before we get to the pilot production stages. The entire process usually takes 2-3 years from beginning to end, becuase of the immense care taken by MTI in adapting/workshopping/piloting these shows and preparing all the materials for scholastic use - it's a long road, but we believe it's worth it to "get it right".
As for Up with People, MTI does not represent that show, and therefore is not in a position to adapt or license any version of it.
Staff Answer
MTI has a very careful development process for any adapted works, particularly for our JR/KIDS/School Edition collections, as we are adapting the original production script to fit the needs of our performers. We usually work directly with the original authors (or their heirs) to make sure these new adapted scripts remain true to the spirit of the original productions. While some shows receive pilot productions, others do not.