Favorite JTF 2011 Moments?
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I was just wondering what everyone's favorite moment or event was from this year's Junior Theatre Festival?My favorite moment occurred the first day during lunch break. Kids were starting to gather in their groups in the hall outside the main ballroom. I'm not quite sure how it started, but one group piped up singing showtunes and before long, three or four different groups had joined in (myself included) and were having this huge musical theatre jam session in the middle of the hall! It was during Seasons of Love (ironic, really) that I realized this was a great reminder that the theatre community is so much bigger than the company that you work with.
11 Answers
Although I was originally supposed to perform with BATAVA's Fiddler on the Roof Jr. cast as Tevye, I was unable to go to the festival. However, that didn't stop me from having a favorite moment! I LOVED when videos were uploaded showing clips from the performances. I was able to see my amazing friends and previous cast members smiling and having a good time. It was almost as though I lived vicariously through them! When they returned, everyone said they had a blast at the festival which only makes me happier!