Ages for Jr shows
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Hello, We are a new community theater group just getting off the ground and we are trying to weigh our options. Our initial business plan was to have people ages 16 and up through adults(mainly alumni from our regular school organization) performing in our productions. We have since decided to add a camp of sorts and would possibly do 2 shows, each using each group of performers( kids up to 16 and then those over 16 with no age limit). Using this decision we thought we'd do 2 different JR shows this year, so we can get acclimated to organizing schedules and teaching, etc. and then do a JR show for the camp students and then a full musical for the 16+ group. IS this something we can do for this year? I noticed that Beauty and the Beast Jr states in the contract Youth cast only...what ages is that? Thank you!
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Hi Holly! Kudos on beginning a new community theater group, and your plans for 2 shows incorporating the age span you have, I would recommend to anyone. Broadway JR versions have a duration of 60-75 minutes and are designed for kids through grade 9. Many who do camp and community theater obtain a different license so that you can extend the age limit and best use the range of kids to your capability. Definitely call your MTI rep and chat about this for your specific situation as it sounds like just what you need to showcase the kids that you want to begin this venture with. Great vision, let your rep help you make it happen asap. Happy to help brainstorm shows, performance lengths etc. You definitely want to make it cost effective, as simple as possible to execute and a GREAT experience for kids and adults.