Forms and Updates


All of our printable forms in one location. If you do not see the form you need, please Contact Us

Downloadable and Printable Forms

License Application Form

Apply for a show license with a hardcopy form by completing and returning this License Application Form.

You can also apply for a license online through your MyMTI account.

Individual Rights Application & Permission Form 

Apply for the individual rights and permission to perform a song or scene from an MTI title at a conference or competition by completing and returning this Individual Rights Application & Permission Form.

Credit Card Payment Form 

Grant credit card authorization by completing and returning this Credit Card Payment Form.

Refund Check Forms 

Request to have a refund check reissued by completing and returning this Refund Check - Reissue Request Form.

Request to change the payee of a refund check by completing and returning this Refund Check - Payee Change Request Form.

Vendor Registration Contact Information

Need MTI to register as a vendor for your school district? Email links and paperwork to

MTI 2025 W-9 

Does your organization require MTI's W-9 before it can pay amounts due under your license? Download and print the MTI 2025 W-9 Form and give it to your business office or purchasing department.

Resources & Show Specific Forms

Order Logo T-Shirts on your MyMTI account or by completing and returning this Logo T-Shirt Order Form.

Transpositions-On-Demand requests have gone digital. To request Transpositions-on-Demand for your musical, please log in to your MyMTI account to access our updated, digital order form.

Little Shop of Horrors Audrey II Rental Requests can be easily made through your MyMTI account or by completing and returning this form after a valid license has been granted.

Avenue Q Puppet Rental Requests can be easily made through your MyMTI account or by completing and returning this form after a valid license is granted.




Dear MTI Customer,

Due to a recent Supreme Court decision, MTI is required to collect sales tax in most states. If your organization is exempt from sales tax, please forward a tax exemption certificate, a letter indicating your tax exemption status which must include your federal tax id number, or other proof of your exempt status to as soon as possible. Please return all exemption documentation as soon as possible. Failure to do so will result in sales tax being added to the applicable items in your contract.

Customers located in CA, CT MN, NJ, and NY that have previously submitted exempt status documentation may disregard this notice. If you have any questions please email


Effective January 2018. Please note our change of address below:
Music Theatre International
423 West 55th Street
Second Floor
New York, NY 10019