The All Night Strut! A Jumpin' Jivin' Jam

The All Night Strut! A Jumpin' Jivin' Jam
A delightful romp through the dance and music of the 1930s and '40s.

The All Night Strut! A Jumpin' Jivin' Jam is an expanded cast show that moves through the Depression, World War II and the post-war boom in a two-act musical celebration of the 1930s and 40s, filled with jazz, blues, bebop and American songbook standards. Weaving together the work of legendary songwriters such as Hoagy Carmichael, Frank Loesser, Duke Ellington, Johnny Mercer, Cab Calloway and the Gershwins, the story moves through time and place to highlight a slick slice of yesteryear and capture a beloved American era.

A clown-like being, Coda, wanders onto a dark stage. With the flick of his magic baton, Coda brings light to the empty space with music and dance. A small group of vocalists lend their voices to familiar Duke Ellington, Frank Loesser and Jerome Kern tunes as the dancers and story move from World War II to musical theatre's heyday... to even the place without time, that Coda calls home. Presenting their stories with various styles of dance, including jazz, contemporary and musical theatre tap, Coda and the company of The All Night Strut! A Jumpin' Jivin' Jam eventually bid adieu and disappear into the recesses of the wonder that is our imagination, but not before having a "jumpin' & jivin' good time!"

It's the perfect blend of engaging dance, colorful characters and well-known music. With each major section being somewhat unique in dance and music style, the piece is an opportunity to feature multiple choreographers or even showcase the wide-ranging work of one. The All Night Strut! A Jumpin' Jivin' Jam is certain to send audiences back into the world with a skip in their step and a song in their heart.

Concert Selections for The All Night Strut!

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