Audition Central: Fiddler on the Roof JR.
Script: Golde
(Kitchen of TEVYE'S house. GOLDE, TZEITEL and HODEL are preparing for the Sabbath. SHPRINTZE and BIELKE ENTER from outside, carrying logs)
Mama, where should we put these?
By the stove! Where is Chava? It's almost Sabbath.
She's in the barn, milking.
Shprintze, bring me more potatoes.
(SHPRINTZE EXITS as CHAVA ENTERS, carrying a basket, with a book under her apron)
Chava, did you finish milking?
Yes, Mama.
(Drops the book)
You were reading again? Why does a girl have to read? Will it get her a better husband? Here.
(Hands CHAVA the book. CHAVA EXITS into the house. SHPRINTZE ENTERS with basket of potatoes)
Mama, Yente's coming.
Maybe she's finally found a good match for you, Tzeitel.
From your mouth to God's ears.
Mama, can we go out and play?
But Mama, the men Yente finds. The last one was so old, and he had no hair.
You want hair, marry a monkey.
(TZEITEL and HODEL leave the kitchen as YENTE ENTERS from outside)
Golde darling, where are your daughters? Such diamonds, such jewels. I'll find every one of them a husband. But you shouldn't be so picky... Even the worst husband, God forbid, is better than no husband, God forbid.
Good evening. Is Tzeitel in the house?
She's busy. Come back later.
There's something I'd like to tell her.
Oh, Motel, I thought I heard you.
Finish what you were doing.
(TZEITEL goes out. To MOTEL)
I said later.
All right!
What does that poor little tailor Motel want with Tzeitel?
They've been friends since they were babies. They talk, they play, they're children.
From such children come other children.
Yente, you said you had news.
Of course, the news - It's about Lazar Wolf, the butcher. Out of the whole town, he's cast his eye on Tzeitel.
Such a match, for my Tzeitel. But Tevye wants a learned man.
Listen to me, Golde, send Tevye to him. Don't tell him what it's about. Let Lazar discuss it himself.
Tevye doesn't like Lazar.
Lazar will win him over. He's a good man, and I don't have to tell you he's well off. And you don't have to thank me, Golde, because it gives me satisfaction to make people happy. So goodbye, Golde, and you're welcome.
(A road. Late afternoon. TEVYE is pushing his cart)
(ENTERS, upset)
(Struck by her manner)
What? What is it?
It's Chava. She's left home this morning. With Fyedka. I looked all over for her. I even went to the priest. He told me - they were married.
Go home, Golde.
But, Chava -
Chava is dead to us! We will forget her. Go home.