
Answers Question Show or Resource Updatedsort ascending Author
1 Will the rehearse score be available soon? 05/07/2018 - 15:11 CELIN42004
1 Will this show be available for licensing in my area 2019? 05/06/2018 - 16:40 sarrigoitia
0 Can I get an estimate of how much it will cost to do a show, without filling out the entire license? 05/05/2018 - 14:32 annzz37847
1 Can I get a hi res image fr Junie B Jones and Annie for our season brochure? 05/02/2018 - 16:23 Rosinawhitfield
1 Performance rights for Gentlemen's guide for a high school 05/02/2018 - 10:22 GAGLIANOP
1 Can I order materials without ordering a license? 05/01/2018 - 11:18 jenniferbruno
1 How many body mics have others used in this production? 04/30/2018 - 14:49 jveras976
1 For Snapshots, is there a performance track and what are the cast voice range requirements? 04/28/2018 - 10:33 CAROL22923
1 I’m considering this show, but 39 roles plus ensemble is too many students for my school. Does anyone know if you can perform this show with fewer students doubling? 04/27/2018 - 22:40 Jean
0 Casting 04/27/2018 - 16:27 cprimus
1 Costumes ideas for chorus 04/26/2018 - 19:30 lauri17391
0 wizard of oz witches hour glass 04/25/2018 - 15:01 Jay Pollack
1 Recorded Music 04/25/2018 - 14:20 WOLTMANNS
0 What do you think we should do next? 04/23/2018 - 14:56 stephismyfriend
0 Show Application 04/23/2018 - 11:55 wlastowski
1 need to know if NEWSIES is available to produce in October 2018 04/23/2018 - 09:31 gaineshs
0 How do I post under resources? 04/19/2018 - 18:40 Grosh Backdrops...
0 Jekyll and Hyde (Youth Version) Music?? 04/18/2018 - 14:19 CHARDING
1 Little Mermaid JR. Overture 04/18/2018 - 12:34 zacanderson303
1 Are the rights to Rent for Spring 2019 available? 04/17/2018 - 14:39 nigro61672
1 Similar to everyone else’s about producing this show with a non-diverse cast. 04/14/2018 - 12:10 jveras976
0 How do I order my nest show when I've received permission to perform already? 04/13/2018 - 13:56 klevan
1 school version 04/13/2018 - 13:10 mashe@billerica...
1 How do we sign up for Fast Track Notification? 04/13/2018 - 07:50 mhsdrama
1 Gender Swap 04/10/2018 - 12:51 BLEVIMARKS
1 How can a group already be advertising that they will be doing MAMMA MIA? 04/08/2018 - 10:36 Janet Koss_2
0 Can we add a make-up show due to weather? 04/04/2018 - 13:11 ERIN30662
1 How soon can we get the 'Little Shop of Horrors' orchestrations? 04/03/2018 - 12:17 damiller
0 Running Time 04/02/2018 - 16:51 nfisher
0 need to pay my bill, was told to got to booking details and my invoice, can't find this. please help 04/02/2018 - 13:27 DEM093741
0 Non-chemical hairspray 03/31/2018 - 14:24 Jerdi1
0 download 03/31/2018 - 12:36 bstoller
0 Trouble Downloading Rehearscore 03/30/2018 - 13:36 cthompson
0 Can you tell me the run time of Little Shop of Horrors? 03/28/2018 - 10:53 Christine Springer
0 What is the running time of this show? 03/28/2018 - 10:00
0 Availability for fall 2018 of Mamma Mia 03/27/2018 - 15:27 Becky59081
0 High School Production of Mamma Mia?? 03/26/2018 - 21:45 ddemeo
0 Logo RENT 03/26/2018 - 08:49 RITT104940
1 Songs from the Live Action Film? 03/24/2018 - 14:16 shrewdbusiness
0 High School Production May 2019 03/23/2018 - 16:02 carrieshaines
1 We are remodeling our theater. What material is the best to use for projecting? 03/23/2018 - 14:54 beckie244
1 How approachable is Matilda for a middle school production? 03/23/2018 - 13:40 jblanton
1 Is Newsies available for schools in Australia? 03/21/2018 - 23:23 JacquelineKerr
1 Why have you removed "Have You Ever Begun to Wonder" and "Middle of a Moment" from the TYA version? Is there a way to get the accompaniment tracks for those songs? 03/20/2018 - 13:38 XXXX104028
3 Perusal Script/Release 03/16/2018 - 00:11 Rebecca knowles
0 Acapella/Vocal Percussion 03/12/2018 - 17:44 MGERTZ726
2 Beauty & the Beast w/ Grades 4&5 03/11/2018 - 21:55 woodym2
1 Any update on U.S. licencing? 03/11/2018 - 07:57 Katie Hepworth Spoon
0 Unlock Patch solution for one day 03/09/2018 - 07:57 ILVE155266
1 Pit Band Jr for Annie Jr 03/07/2018 - 08:33 CURTAINCALLPAC