On Friday, October 11th, the MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET and remain closed through Monday, October 14th in observance of Indigenous Peoples' Day and Columbus Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, October 15th.
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Related shows or resources: The Music ManAnswer this Question
Related shows or resources: The Music Man
Music Man Dance Music
Does anyone have either:1 . A recording of all of the dance music in the Music Man that actually aligns with the score?or2. A list of what measures in the score align with the music on any of the recordings? I'm having a heck of a time finding the music in the score that matches with what's on various recordings. And the choreographer has choreographed based on certain recordings, so I would rather just find it in the score. Specifically, I mean the Shipoopi, 76 Trombones, Marian Dance, It's You Ballet, Eulalie's Ballet, and the Chase Music.ThanksEmily McDuffee