Cindy Says: Another Voice, Another World!

Cindy Says: Another Voice, Another World!

By Cindy Ripley on June 4, 2018

Star struck? I certainly have been over my unique career working with kids in the arts. The artists that bowled me over the most have always been the ones that share their path and relate to kids. I remember being on stage with Marcy Heisler when she came to see an original pilot of Dear Edwina. I already had an "artist crush" on Marcy with her ability as a writer and performer. When she shared her professional journey, her artistic process and listened to my students' perspectives, I became her eternal fan with jazz hands plus.

Why am I urging you to take the time and bring a new voice into your rehearsal?

There are abundant opportunities to have performers, musicians, writers and directors share their journeys with your kids- from a past student to a Broadway performer. Don't be surprised if they are more than willing to accept your invitation. Many artists will treasure seeing life through the eyes of your students.

Here are the ways a new perspective can add benefits to your program:

  • Your students get a glimpse of "the real person" that they can't get from the internet.
  • Guest artists offer a different perspective beyond your own experience.
  • Your own teaching techniques will be enriched. Absorb, borrow and refine your own style.
  • Everyone (yes, I mean you as well) will leave inspired, refreshed and motivated-priceless in my book.


Caring for a guest artist and feeding their excitement to work with your kids:

  • Pre-inform your guest of exact times, dates, equipment request, space requirements and food/lodging.
  • Prepare your students (and staff) for this special event. Have them do their homework, contemplate questions for Q&As and learn how to be the ultimate hosts on your stage space.
  • Plan on incorporating some key points from the artist into your next rehearsal.
  • Don't forget student thank-yous, welcome signs, and a little celebration with food of course!
  • Finally, don't miss the opportunity to document and showcase this learning experience for your kids. It will aid you with sponsors, grants, and community goodwill. It takes a village…

You all remember the first time you were "sparkled". Do the same for your kids - invest in motivation. CR

Read more Cindy Says.