FINIAN'S RAINBOW JR is a Pot of Musical Gold and Now Available for Licensing
FINIAN'S RAINBOW JR is a Pot of Musical Gold and Now Available for Licensing
By Jason Cocovinis on January 15, 2013

Finian McLonergan, who has emigrated from Ireland to the town of Rainbow Valley in the mythical state of Missitucky with his daughter Sharon, is intent on burying a stolen pot of gold in the shadows of Fort Knox in the belief it will grow and multiply. Hot on their heels is Og, a leprechaun intent on recovering his treasure before the loss of it turns him permanently human. Complicating matters are a corrupt senator, but in the end, Sharon marries the handsome, young Woody Mahoney; and Woody's mute sister, Susan, acquires the power of speech and falls in love with Og, who decides that being human is not so bad after all.
Our ShowKit of Materials is Like Getting a Musical in a Box!
When you license the rights to FINIAN'S RAINBOW JR., you will receive everything you need in our new and improved ShowKit of music and materials. MTI and iTheatrics have redesigned the look, feel and content of the ShowKits to ensure they remain the absolute best educational musicals anywhere.
One of the most exciting new elements is the fully re-conceived Director’s Guide, patterned after Broadway production show books. Features of the new Director’s Guide include:
- A three-ring binder allowing you to carry all of your production information in one place and expand and customize the binder to meet your production needs
- The Actor’s Script section of the Guide features a full-sized script for easier viewing
- Expanded resources in all production and curriculum aspects that reach three levels of directing experience: beginning, intermediate and advanced
- A media disk of resources including audition sides and editable forms including a fully-editable program
Helpful Resources on MTIShowSpace
MTI ShowSpace is the place to get all the help you need putting on a production of FINIAN'S RAINBOW JR. With MTI’s help and advice forum, Show Support, you can get answers to questions that might come up during the course of your production. If you’re working on an MTI Broadway Junior Collection show (JR./KIDS), and have a question – ask it here! We’ll make sure you get an answer. You can also visit Community Rentals for the latest sets, props and costumes for rent, sale or trade!