The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, February 14th and remain closed through Monday, February 17th in observance of Presidents' Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, February 18th.
Journey back to 1913 Georgia, where a Jewish man from New York was accused of murdering a 13 year old girl--and abducted from his cell and lynched. A new documentary airing tonight on PBS, The People Vs. Leo Frank revists the case composer/lyricist ...
Audience-favorite AVENUE Q has just reopened Off-Broadway, and we - and the critics -- couldn't be happier! The show is as fresh and delightful as ever in its new, more intimate venue. And as Ben Brantley's new review indicates, that special ...
Among the many casualties of Hurricane Katrina was the 100 year old St. Mark's Community Center. But for writer and actor James Lecesne, losing a place of belonging and support-right when the people of New Orleans would need it the most-was ...
On Monday, October 5, Joe's Pub at The Public Theater in New York will host its inaugural Music Theatre Intitiative Songwriter Showcase and will feature MTI Authors Benj Pasek and Justin Paul performing excerpts from their new work DOGFIGHT, which ...
Poster for the FAME movie remake
For nearly 30 years, "Fame" has been inspiring burgeoning performers in their quest to make it in showbiz. As proof that Fame really does live forever, MGM studios is releasing a brand new film version set to hit ...
The era of RAGTIME has returned. On October 23, the first Broadway revival of this Tony Award winning American epic begins performances. Direct from its sold-out run at the Kennedy Center in D.C., this production-lauded by critics and audiences ...
Join Back Stage in an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the GUYS AND DOLLS concert at the Hollywood Bowl! Ellen Greene and Scott Bakula, who played Adelaide and Nathan Detroit respectively, and director Richard Jay-Alexander share what it's like ...
It certainly doesn't suck to be the cast, crew, and creative team of the Brazilian production of AVENUE Q! The show has recently been nominated for five Shell Awards (there are only eight categories). The most prestigious theatre awards in ...
The St. Louis Muny's production of THE MUSIC MAN starts its run July 20. The largest outdoor theatre in the country showcases the talents of James Clow as Harold Hill and Kate Baldwin as Marian Paroo. Performances end July 26, though, so get your ...
Anita Gates' article in The New York Times gives great insight on this lesser known Jonathan Larson work currently playing as the Westport Country Playhouse.
For more information on the Westport Country Playhouse production (as well as a resourceful ...