National Cast of Students Perform in MTI Broadway Junior Choreography DVDs
National Cast of Students Perform in MTI Broadway Junior Choreography DVDs
By Jason Cocovinis on July 28, 2011

The students were selected for the choreography DVDs at the 2011 Junior Theater Festival (2011 JTF) in Atlanta, GA, presented by New York’s iTheatrics and Atlanta’s Theater of the Stars and sponsored by Music Theatre International and Disney Musicals. At the festival, the Broadway Junior scouts were on the lookout for outstanding students. 400 students were invited to audition for Kennedy, 68 were selected for the final call-back and ultimately 25 students were cast for the taping.
The students who traveled to New York from June 25 through July 2 to rehearse and film the choreography DVDs are:
- Courtney Blanc, 11 years old, lives Redding, entering 7th grade at University Prep. Courtney was specially invited by iTheatrics to be part of the shoot.
- Megan Taylor Callahan, 16 years old, lives in Vero Beach and is entering 11th grade at Vero Beach High School. Attended the 2011 JTF with Riverside Children’s Theatre.
- Faith Flanders, 13 years old, lives in Griffin, entering 8th grade at Rehoboth Road Middle School. Attended the 2011 JTF with Camelot Theatre
- Madeline Stephens, 13 years old, lives in Griffin, entering 8th grade at Rehoboth Road Middle school. Attended the 2011 JTF with Camelot Theatre
- Yohana Ansari-Thomas, 14 years old, lives in Oak Park, entering 9th grade at Oak Park and River Forest High School. Attended the 2011 JTF with Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School
- Matthew Weidenbener, 16 years old, lives in Bloomington, entering 10th grade at Bloomington High School South. Attended the 2011 JTF with Stages Bloomington
- Rebecca D’Antonio, 11 years old, lives in New Orleans (70131), entering 6th grade at St. Andrew the Apostle. Attended the 2011 JTF with Jefferson Performing Arts Society Theatre Kids
- Olivia Worley, 13 years old, lives in New Orleans (70115), entering 8th grade at Metairie Park Country Day School and went to the 2011 JTF with Jefferson Performing Arts Society Theatre Kids
- Gabriella Trentacoste, 12 years old, lives in Gretna, will enter 7th grade at Ursuline Academy. Attended the 2011 JTF with Jefferson Performing Arts Society Theatre Kids
- Coldin Grundmeyer, 13 years old, lives in Belle Chasse, entering 8th grade at Holy Cross and NOCCAA, attended the 2011 JTF with Jefferson Performing Arts Society Theatre Kids
- Aaron Richert, 10 years old, lives in New Orleans, entering 6th grade at Lusher Charter Middle School. Traveled to the 2011 JTF with Jefferson Performing Arts Society Theatre Kids
- Joshua Myers, 12 years old, lives in Greenwood, entering 8th grade at Caddo Middle Magnet. Attended the 2011 JTF with the Academy of Children’s Theatre
- Chaislyn King, 10 years old, lives in Greenwell Springs, entering 5th grade at Victory Academy. Attended 2011 JTF with Central Community Theatre
- Zachary Lejeune, 11 years old, lives in Denham Springs, entering 6th grade at Live Oak Middle School. Traveled to the 2011 JTF with Central Community Theatre
- Ashton Denham, 13 years old, lives in Baker, entering 9th grade at Central High School. Attended 2011 JTF with Central Community Theatre
- Parker Wilson, 10 years old, lives in Greenwell Springs, entering 5th grade at St. Thomas More Catholic School. Attended the 2011 JTF with Central Community Theatre
North Carolina
- Lincoln Belford, 13 years old, lives in Mills River, entering 8th grade at Valley Springs Middle School. Attended the 2011 JTF with Asheville Arts Center in Asheville
- Conner Dalton, 15 years, lives in Asheville, entering 10th grade at T.C. Roberson H.S. Attended the 2011 JTF with Asheville Arts Center
- Connor Wolfe Lanier, 14 years old, lives in Asheville, entering 9th grade at Asheville High School. Attended the 2011 JTF with the Asheville Arts Center
- Loren Brunson, 15 years old, lives in Oak Ridge, entering 10th grade at Grimsley High School. Attended the 2011 JTF with the Community Theatre Greensboro
- Dylan Lambert, 13 years old, lives in Kingwood, entering 8th grade at St. Martha Catholic School. Attended the 2011 JTF with The Academy at Theatre Under the Stars
- Matthew Smith, 14 years old, lives in Houston (77066), entering 9th grade at the High School of Performing Arts (HSPVA). Attended the 2011 JTF with The Academy at Theatre Under the Stars
- Michelle Smith, 12 years old, lives in Houston (77066), entering 7th grade at Drew Academy. Attended the 2011 JTF at The Academy at Theatre Under the Stars
- Miho Maeda, 12 years old, lives in Houston (77057), entering 7th grade at School of the Woods. Attended the 2011 JTF at The Academy at Theatre Under the Stars
- Brandon Mayville, 14 years old, lives in League City, entering 9th grade at Clear Springs High School. Attended 2011 JTF with Bay Area Theatre and Voice Academy (BATAVA)