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Make the Most Out of the 2014 Junior Theater Festival - Advice from Directors and Students
Make the Most Out of the 2014 Junior Theater Festival - Advice from Directors and Students
By Cindy Ripley on December 19, 2013
Whether you are attending solo for Professional Development to enrich your soul or bringing kids to "strut their stuff', JTF Atlanta, GA 2014 promises to deliver. It never fails, never! The finely tuned recipe of musical theatre, passionate kids and teachers, and a dose of magic all in one contained venue is all it takes.
Just like walking onstage in front of an audience, everyone feels better if they know what to expect, and you will find 3500 new friends that may have a few jitters just like you! So, I decided to check in with a few that have taken that leap ahead of you, several of our 2013 Freddie G Winners from last year's festival. I will second the fact that their advice is tried and true, and the "up close and personal" will give you a heads up when you see them in a few weeks!
-Cindy Ripley (Educational Theatre Expert / MTIShowSupport)
Claudia Appel

Claudia Appel is the drama director at the WINGS Performing Arts of the Lynn Meadows Discovery Center (Mississippi’s first Children’s museum) in Gulfport, MS on the Mississippi Gulfport Coast half way between New Orleans, LA and Mobile, AL. The WINGS program has over 150 children in grades 1-12 and hosts a special outreach program once a year with an “Alternative School” in Gulfport, MS. The purpose is for the students to achieve previously unimagined goals, help build self-confidence and perform in a play.
Director Advice: Claudia suggests that you "Stress to the students that there is much more to the event than just the 15 minutes of adjudication. We love the workshops, speakers, Broadway show and of course the Disney Dance Party! If possible, have a parent volunteer assist you with the paperwork and collecting fees."
Student Advice: The students of WINGS feel that the key to success is to "be prepared, focused and ready to have a great time. Do your best when you perform, you may win an award!"
Joanne O'Kain

Joanne O’Kain directs the Roy Waldron Drama team with 34 students in grades 2-5 in LaVergne, TN (right outside of Nashville). These students work two days a week after school. The RWS drama team is fully staffed by volunteers. The director, music directors, choreographer, backstage crew, and all help are on a volunteer basis. One of their missions is that musical theater should be available to all students.
Director Advice: "My advice to other director's attending JTF is to watch as many performances and attend as many workshops as possible" says Joanne. "You will learn so much by watching the work of others and learning from other professionals. Let it fill your creative energy and use what you learn when you return home. I would also advise to you to meet as many other directors as possible. Not only will you have amazing new friends, but also they become a wonderful creative network! You can call them for advice on a show they have already done that you are working on, or even borrow costumes and set pieces from them. JTF is a wealth of knowledge all in one place for one fantastic weekend!"
Student Advice: A student of Joanne's reflects that "JTF is fun because you get to see people who are just like you. They are nice, kind, and helpful, especially when you play a game with people you just meet." The best advice is "don't be shy and make more friends."
Merrill Boynton-Cheny

Merrill Boynton-Cheny is the director of the drama program at Harris County Carver Middle School, a public school in rural Georgia, the heart of Harris County Georgia. The Drama program is made up of about 100 highly motivated students who participate in an after school program. Each year they participate in Georgia Middle School One Act Play Competition, the Junior Theatre Festival, and the Georgia Junior Thespian Conference. This is a completely self-funded program, where they rely on a tradition of mentoring and giving back to keep our program going.
Director Advice: To Merrill the most important thing to remember is to "Enjoy JTF! I know you want your kids to do great, but truthfully they will do their best when they HAVE FUN! JTF is a time to celebrate theatre, let them celebrate by enjoying both doing the work and appreciating the work of others. It isn’t about winning or losing it is about having a Giant Theatre Celebration!" She goes on to say "as a Director soak it all up. There are so many things you will see that if you look at them will be the kernel or nugget of an idea you can flesh out into something amazing in some production down the road that you direct! Keep a notebook of great ideas and inspirations for yourself."
Student Advice: Merrill's kids feel that to get the most out of JTF your students should "Never be afraid to be outgoing. The best part of JTF is the crazy people you meet. Be somebody people remember! Soak in the huge opportunity that is JTF. These special guests who come to talk to you about how to succeed, the judges who give great feedback, the chance to watch other theatre-lovers who enjoy what they do."
Lori Flanders

Lori Flanders is the director of the musical theatre program within Studio D School of Dance in Griffin, Georgia, forty five minutes south of Atlanta. They provide training to students in singing, dancing and acting and perform two Broadway Junior or Broadway KIDS shows a year. They approach classes and performances from a professional level to help students to reach their full potential. Lori and her staff are proud to provide this level of training in a small community that has very few performing arts programs.
Director Advice: "My advice to other director's attending JTF is to watch as many performances and attend as many workshops as possible. You will learn so much by watching the work of others and learning from other professionals. Let it fill your creative energy and use what you learn when you return home" suggests Lori. "I would also advise to you to meet as many other directors as possible. Not only will you have amazing new friends, but also they become a wonderful creative network! You can call them for advice on a show they have already done that you are working on, or even borrow costumes and set pieces from them. JTF is a wealth of knowledge all in one place for one fantastic weekend!"
Student Advice: The students of Studio D are straight forward in their advice, " Have FUN and make new friends!!!"
Spencer Lau

Spencer Lau is the director of the Woodruff School ACE Music Program. They are located in Cumberland County, directly between Philadelphia and Atlantic City. The program meets as a class in the fall, once every three days for 50 minutes a period. They also rehearse after school. Woodruff School is a small school of 300 students but the program has 50 performers in it. An unusual fact about the Woodruff School Music Department is that between the Band, Choral, Stage Crew Ensembles, almost half of the student population is involved with program as a whole.
Director Advice: Spencer offers "Some advice I would give, as a director to other directors would be to NOT TAKE THE COMPETITION ASPECT SO SERIOUSLY. In a time where we as educators have to deal with SGOs, Common Core, programs being retracted, HIB, etc., this is a celebration of musical theatre, not to turn it into who’s better than who. Now is a time to band together to promote something that speaks to all walks of life and be examples of how to overcome any obstacle your program faces. Secondly, GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE and talk to people you don’t know. There is a wonderful network of teachers, directors, who are here to work with you! Give your ideas, help each other where one may need help in their productions and honestly want to see you succeed as much as you want to ask questions and get the answers you need to become better."
Student Advice: "Put your technology away. There will be times you absolutely should tweet, or status updates, or vine some video but when you don’t need to, don’t do it," advise Spencer's students. "Your friends at home will be there during the downtimes and in between events at JTF. You are in a room with 5,000 other kids WHO ARE JUST LIKE YOU AND LOVE MUSICAL THEATRE! Every performance you see, every group you meet, thank or congratulate one person and try to know one person from that group or at least get a name!"
Shirlee Idzakovich

Shirlee Idzakovich is the director of the Portsmouth Area Children's Theatre which serves nine schools in the county and performs three shows a year. They have a Jr. Company from ages 6-13, and a Sr. Company from ages 14-18. It is a volunteer based organization with over 100 kids on the roster each performance. Shirlee is the costumer for all shows and work with the children one on one for each show. The organization is three years old but the participants have been doing shows for nearly 13 years together before starting the group. They do not charge for any of the children to participate in a show. Shirlee has been in a production for nearly 16 years nonstop. She has three daughters who all have performed in every show they can find, all starting over 70 shows ago with Annie. She has costumed over 50 of those shows and enjoys seeing all kinds of new musicals watching children and adults transform her life with a song or a scene.
Director Advice: Shirlee describes her JTF experience as "Life altering!" She continues, "I came in the first year as a professional track adult, the following year I decided the group needed to be here, so we brought about 16 kids. When you hear, hey they are a lot like us! It does your heart good to know the kids fit in and almost blend with so many that have their same passion. The festival allows all the kids to be a participant and to star in their own life."
Student Advice: "JTF has been a fantastic experience far and beyond my wildest dreams" says on student. "Not only has it been super fun, but educational. JTF has not only allowed me to grow closer to those I know, but connect to those I didn't know before. If only I could be a kid forever and keep coming back!"