Is the Broadway Teachers Workshop for you?

Is the Broadway Teachers Workshop for you?
Are you wondering if the Broadway Teachers Workshop is right for you?
The 3-day intensive workshop includes tickets to 4 different Broadway shows, talk-backs with casts, masterclasses and intensives with creative teams, production staffs and Broadway performers, peer reviews and so much more. This invigorating weekend will inspire, educate and lift your directing to the next level and beyond - all with the guidance of Broadway professionals.
Still not convinced? Read below for testimonials from former attendees and their experience with The Broadway Teachers Workshop.
College - Testimonial
I have attended the Broadway Teachers Workshop for the past three years. As a college professor and coordinator of a premier musical theater training program, I have found this workshop to be the ONE workshop I make sure to attend each year. The classes they offer are always taught by successful and current members of the elite Broadway community. They are timely, educational and fun. The networking opportunities are endless, as you are joined by theatre educators from all over the world. Every year I am inspired by the incredible New York talent who teaches us, but also by the amazingly gifted colleagues I meet at the workshop. Gordon and Pam and their interns work hard all year long to prepare an exquisite week of education, entertainment and enlightenment for those of us in musical theatre education.
Nancy Allen
Coordinator of Musical Theatre
Belmont University
High School - Testimonial
Is the Broadway Teachers Workshop for you?
That depends.
Do you love theater? Do you want to connect with others who feel the same way? Are you interested in improving your theatrical skills? Do you wonder how other high schools do their shows and if they share the same challenges? Would you like to see four Broadway shows and interact with members of their casts and crews? Does having an interview with a Broadway legend sound like fun?
If your answer to any of the above is yes, than the Broadway Theater Workshop is definitely for you!
I have been attending this wonderful workshop for more than a decade. I have learned so much about how other people run their productions and have shared stories about our theater group.
Throughout the three days, you are treated to Broadway stars and professionals who share their experience and knowledge in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere.
The workshop always offers a wide range of topics and choices. Many times the most difficult part of the event is deciding between two equally appealing workshops.
To sit in a room and listen to Sondheim, or Chita Rivera or Lyn Manuel Miranda discuss their work; To watch make-up artists and set designers and choreographers demonstrate their crafts; to discuss with fellow theater teachers all the issues and problems unique to that endeavor. It is a wonderful experience.
My administration at my high school was so impressed with the information and skills acquired as a result of our participation, they have made our attendance each year part of our stipend for running the musical theater program.
It is a unique and unforgettable experience every year. I hope you will join us.
John Bellington
Christ the King Musical Theatre
Christ the King High School
Community Theatre - Testimonial
Over the years, Broadway Teachers Workshop has been such a wonderful asset to me and my community theatre. Attending, I’ve found creative ideas or solutions to just about every aspect of theatre. I find myself directing a wide variety of actors or designing a set in an impossible space. The workshop has helped me answer some of my toughest questions: “How will I make a hot air ballon fly without a fly space? … a tornado on stage? Sure, no problem!” The BTW experience has given me the opportunity to think outside the box and take my shows to a new level of excellence. No matter the venue or situation, I believe directors owe it to their actors, their audiences and themselves to continue to grow and learn, to improve the art they have chosen to create. The Broadway Teachers Workshop is designed to help do just that. The combination of sessions with experienced, professional actors, directors and instructors combined with live Broadway shows and collaboration with other directors is unique and critical to this workshop as a whole. I wouldn’t miss the opportunity to learn and grow in this way.
Janette Gaines
Jonesborough Repertory Theatre
Director of Education