Christmas Has Arrived Early! Upgraded Orchestrations for A Christmas Carol Now Available!

Christmas Has Arrived Early! Upgraded Orchestrations for A Christmas Carol Now Available!
By Music Theatre International on June 1, 2018
MTI is pleased to announce the release of upgraded orchestrations for the beloved holiday classic, A Christmas Carol. The materials are now typeset and pristine so you can enjoy Alan Menken's score and Lynn Ahrens' lyrics with better clarity. Even Scrooge himself would love it! The show remains exactly the same - nothing has been altered except for the new visual presentation of the orchestrations.
Scroll Through the Before and After
A Christmas Carol is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens' most well-known story. Proving its staying power with a decade-long run at the Theatre at Madison Square Garden, A Christmas Carol, is an ideal choice for any theatre hoping to create a holiday tradition.
Bring A Christmas Carol to your stage this hoilday season!