Alice in Wonderland Costumes, Sets, Props for rent in Los Angeles, CA
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Alice in Wonderland Jr.
Alice in Wonderland Jr. Costumes, Props, and Sets for rent in Los Angeles, CA
At Top Billing Entertainment, our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality theater set and costume rentals to help bring your productions to life. We understand the financial pressures of putting on a show, and we're committed to offering budget-friendly options without compromising on the visual impact. Our rental items are designed to shine on stage, so while they may not be brand-new or up to broadway level standards, they are carefully selected to meet the needs of your production at a price that works for you.
We can typically work around your schedule for pickup and drop off but please note that we are unavailable on Tuesdays. Please schedule a date and time for pickup at least two weeks in advance.
We ask that all rental requests be submitted with at least 1 month notice to ensure a smooth process. We will also need your full list of items you are planning on renting at this time. Most clients book 4-6 months in advance. Last-minute rentals are subject to an expedited processing fee, as we may need to rush to secure additional items, hire extra staff, or make special arrangements to meet your timeline. Additionally, in this scenario we cannot guarantee that every piece will be in pristine condition due to the quick turnaround. See tiered pricing system below:
Over 30 Days Before Rental: No additional cost
15-30 Days Before Rental: +25% of rental cost
7-14 Days Before Rental: +50% of rental cost
0 - 6 Days Before Rental: Rental Not Accepted
Once you pick up your rental, we ask that you inspect the items and notify us within 24 hours if you notice any issues. We're here to help, and your satisfaction is important to us—so please don't hesitate to reach out if there's anything we can assist with. Please note that any issues not reported within the 24-hour window will not be eligible for a refund of any kind. We encourage timely communication so that we can address any concerns promptly and avoid complications.
Due to rising transportation costs we can no longer ship costumes cost effectively out of the state of California. For an optional extra fee we can deliver and pick up items within a 20 mile radius of Pomona, CA.. We usually do two week rentals and ask $50-$100 for lead and principal looks (top, bottom, accessories) and $15-25 for minor character costumes per two week blocks, but are willing to work with your budget. Sets are $100-$300 each. Please email a detailed list of items you need for the best price quote possible. Contact Kristina Keener Ivy at 626-675-4439 or See photos at
See photos at
3 Alice Dresses size xs, s, xl with white aprons, petticoats, blonde wigs and black head bands
1 Caterpillar/Butterfly – size xs-s
3 Cheshire Cats – size s-l, fur vests, fur ears, fur leg warmers (black undergarments not provided)
1 gold door knob nose
1 Dodo Bird Costume – sizes xs-xl available
1 White Rabbit female jacket with hat size s-m
1 Queen of Hearts Dress size l-xl and small crown
1 King of Hearts costume – cape, vest, crown (can fit all sizes)
2 dark blue, child belly dancer costumes – sizes child s-m
3 Red Lobster Costumes – sizes s-l
Tweedle Dum & Tweedle Dee – child size L and adult size s
1 Female Mad Hatter – sizes s-m, large and small hat
1 Male Mad Hatter – sizes m-xl, boots, brown puff pants, purple jacket, vest, large and small hat
1 March Hare – sizes m-xl, brown hat, brown cape, orange vest, brown pants, white puffy shirt
6 Lead Flower Costumes – (sizes s-xl), green leaf mittens, flower head pieces
50+ card costumes (sizes s-l)
12+ tea cup heads
30+ Mad Hatter Hats
50+ Various 1910’s ensemble costumes male and female and hats
black/white Mathilda dress with hat (sizes s-l)
50+ various sea creatures for the caucus race (see our Little Mermaid rental items)
50+ green dresses and flower head bands
Large magnifying glass
Large old timey books
Large tea pot (cake no longer available)
8 plastic tea cups
1 gold clock for rabbit
1 broken clock
2 large arms Various baskets with fruit and fabric
4 red paint brushes and red paint buckets
4 red heart staffs
1 large key
8 “rabbit hole” umbrellas
1 large judge gavel
3 large blue flags (we have other flags for magic effect as well)
2 doors with openings for doorknob and hand
6 court room benches Court room judge’s stand and witness booth
2 large tables
6 formal chairs
Large mushroom for caterpillar
Rabbit’s house dress for alice
Tall grass set
Heart rose bushes