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Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. Super Titles
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Hello all...I am currently directing a production of Thoroughly Modern Millie Jr. and I am wondering if anyone knows how to create the Super Titles for the Bun Foo and Ching Ho characters. I am looking to project the English words on something that would fly in. I just don't know what I would need to do to create this. Obviously I would need a projector, but where do I put the projector, what do I project the power point on to, and how big of a job would this be. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much :)
2 Answers
VIP Answer
Hi Michael! There are several options for creating the super titles, and I love Christie's because of using more kids and avoiding technical snafoos. Many folks go the powerpoint/projector route on a high screen (or movie screen lowered part way above the action on stage), from the back of the house. In many spaces it works best to project from the pit however. If you have the space and capabilities to rear-project it works, but usually ends up being more difficult because of stage space. One tip that really helps Michael is to use a white print font on a black background. It really "pops", is easy to read in all light levels. Let us know what you decide!! Good Luck! Cindy
Hi, Michael. At the risk of being to "posty", I didn't want to leave you hanging. I'm doing Millie, Jr. in a few weeks. We are using two actors in black at the corner of the stage (sort of like sign language interpreters) who will be holding big cards for the subtitles. I thought about going the projector route, but I thought this would give 2 more kids a chance to get into the action, and I was a little afraid of putting all of those scenes together during tech week when we FINALLY get into the theatre. I didn't want the timing for the scene to be thrown off by tech glitches. I'll let you know how it goes over. Good luck!