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High School or out?
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Hey everyone, Just tossing around some ideas for future shows and was wondering what the current feeling is toward High School Musical. I would be looking to do it with 7 & 8th graders, but wasn't sure if the fad is past it's prime. Will the kids get into it, or will they just roll their eyes?Thanks for any help!
6 Answers
Hey, Albert and Lori. Just coming up for air after doing 11 shows in 4 days. We just closed our summer season with Cinderella, Aladdin, and 13 on Sunday. Yesterday, of course, I was on strike!
I would really love to see your HSM 1 and 2. I'm sort of starting from scratch in HSM-land. I've heard and played all of the music, but haven't seen much else. The kids are really excited about it all.
You can email me at and we can exchange info and KIT. cj
Our middle school did HSM 1 last school year, and it was a huge hit! We had 105 kids try out for the show and ended up casting 65. We do a Broadway Jr. musical each year, and this was our largest cast ever. We had standing room only for our evening performances. In fact, the show was such a hit, I'm a little nervous about doing Into the Woods this year with its smaller cast and no chorus. I wanted to wait before doing HSM 2 to allow new kids to enjoy it--maybe next year. Our building is 7th and 8th grade only, so every two years, it's a new batch of kids in the shows.
Hey Christie,
It's Albert Carter from the Teacher Intensive. I have done HSM One and Two and both were big hits for us. I was able to do it the first year that both were out but our kids still talk about it and it has been a real bonus for the new students that come to our school because we did shows that invited our elementary students and a lot of kids still remember and are excited about being a part of our program. We did it with 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. In fact the boy who played Chad was a sixth grader when we did One and an 8th grader when we did Two. He was the only student to play the same role in both productions. Let me know if you would like to see DVD of our productions. I hope that you had a great trip home and was glad to meet you during the time in NYC. Lori sends her best as well. Break a leg with your productions this year.
Hi, Scott. I say HSM is HOTT! I'm doing it this fall with the hopes of doing HSM2 next summer. Can't do the sequel without doing the original....that would be awkward.
Funny, I thought it was pretty OVER...but, when I mentioned the possibility to my 7th and 8th graders, they squealed with delight (even some of the boys);) Speaking of awkward...
Conveniently, I am in production for "13" right now, so I have lockers and cheerleading uniforms (and 13 Rabbi costumes if anyone is interested). So, HSM will be a layup set-wise for me.
7th and 8th graders were so young when HSM came out that they loved it! It is a blast from their past. What time is it? HSM TIME, baby. You know you smiled- don't deny it.
CHRISTIE, SEND ME YOUR ADDRESS (CENTERSTAGEKIDS@HOTMAIL.COM) and I will send you a DVD of our HSM2. (and ONE, if you want).