Metal mugs/tankards for B & Beast :-)
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Hey There,I need to rent the metal mugs for Beauty & the Beast. So far, I have only found them for $3.99 a piece plus shipping. Can anyone do better? I need them for a 12/1/12 performance.Lesa
7 Answers
A great teacher once taught me that "boundaries can be freeing". If you can't have a 3-story castle on a wagon, make the castle in your own way. Necessity can be inspiration for the most amazing creativity. Some of the work I'm most proud of is "black box and a story". The story and the kids are front and center. Repeating what's been done is so YESTERDAY! Do it your own way and it will be better than copying someone else's vision. Break a leg!
We opted to do without the clinking, and I made 12+ mugs out of some 4" ABS pipe, pizza box cardboard, some hot glue, a heat gun, paint and screws. I suspect dollar store mugs would have been cheaper, but we couldn't find any that matched the "look" we were going for. I'd be happy to share the design/build process to anyone who is interested.
You actually don't have to have metal mugs at all. You can buy plastic mugs at a dollar store then spray paint them silver to look like a mug. Then you can overdub clinking noise onto the tracks on the cd. It may be more affordable that way. Or just have a few actual metal mugs and the rest can be plastic. you will still get eh clinking sound from just a few real mugs that way. Hope this helps!
Relana Gerami-Luss