Belle Costume Change

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February 18, 2012
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In the Jr version of th his, Belle has a costume change into the yellow gown several scenes before the end of the show. She then leaves to see her father etc....does she change back to her peasant costume? Shouldn't she end the show in the yellow gown?
6 Answers

August 13, 2012
We did the black cloak as well. It really made sense and helped with many key elements.

July 3, 2012
We had Belle stay in her gold ball gown and wear a black cloak over it when she returned for her father. This eliminated 2 costume changes. My thinking is that if she were so concerned about her father, she would not take the time to change before rushing to his aid.

February 23, 2012

February 18, 2012
the yellow gown is in the scene when she is having dinner with the beast. When the song Beuty and the beast is sung. The beast then lets her go to go and see her father.

February 18, 2012
But what does she wear fom the point she sees her father until the end of the show?

February 18, 2012
After the song "Beauty and the Beast" the beast gives Belle the magic Mirror and she is allowed to return to see her father. When she exits she changes back to the original costume that she wore when she first arrived at the castle. She wears that costume all the way till after the beasts transformation back to the prince. Once her and the beast exit she then changes back to the big gown that she wore in "beauty and the beast" for the finale. Hope this helps.