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Questions for Roald Dahl's Willy Wonka TYA
Wonka TYA Accompaniment Backing Tracks
Wonka TYA Accompaniment Backing Tracks
Are backing tracks available for Willy Wonka TYA? I see that they are for full version and for JR & Kids.
Why is rehearscore not available for kids or tya productions?
Why is rehearscore not available for kids or tya productions?
Answer this Question How did you do the sound effects for "Willy Wonka Jr"?
How did you do the sound effects for "Willy Wonka Jr"?
How did you do the sound effects for the Chocovision "poof" sound and other sound effects for "Willy Wonka JR."?
This question has no answers
What accounts for the difference in cast size between Willy Wonka JR and TYA?
What accounts for the difference in cast size between Willy Wonka JR and TYA?
If they are both one act shows, what is the difference casting and plot-wise? It seems like a huge jump from 13 in the cast to 24 + ensemble.
What is the difference between Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka TYA, and Willy Wonka Jr
What is the difference between Willy Wonka, Willy Wonka TYA, and Willy Wonka Jr
Answer this Question What is the difference between the TYA edition and the JR. edition of Willy Wonka? Which one is longer?