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August 14, 2011
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Hi Everyone,I am looking for a show for next summer for our summer musical theatre camp. We have already done 25th Annual ... Spelling Bee and Xanadu. We need something that has a small band (4 instruments), at least 20 roles, and can be learned in 6 weeks. Any ideas??
5 Answers

June 14, 2012
Godspell is a fantastic show, especially for a summer camp. I'd also reccommend Once On This Island. It's a fun, energetic show with minimal set/costume/lighting requirements. The music is a blast to sing and it works with however much or little harmony as you so desire. OOTI is one of those shows that allows you to be as creative as you want. I'm directing it right now and it's definitely been one of my favorite projects to date.

June 14, 2012
Put in a request for Godspell, it was declined because we are so close to Broadway. But they just announced their closing, so I will try again!

June 12, 2012
I will usually always say this: Godspell.

September 3, 2011
We are thinking Urinetown... would LOVE Avenue Q and possible Next to Normal. Thanks!! Any other suggestions are WELCOME "Sealed"

August 15, 2011
Hi Joseph, Off the top of my head, you may want to look at Urinetown and Camp Rock. You could also possibly do Avenue Q, Once on This Island and Rent but they may be a bit of a stretch on your orchestra. Good luck!