The MTI office will close early at 1 PM ET on Friday, January 17th and remain closed through Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Office operations will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.
Character Breakdown
The leader of the gang known as the 'Drapes'. A misunderstood teen who acts like a rebel, but has a sensitive side.
A pretty, fun, and intelligent girl. She is a square, but wants to be a Drape.
Allison's protective Grandmother. She keeps many secrets from the other characters. Comedic.
Wade 'Cry Baby' Walker's best friend and a drape. He is always energetic and positive.
Allison's Boyfriend who is an enthusiastic square. He is the lead singer of a group called "The Whiffles" and has strong opinions on politics.
Cry Baby's tough sister. She is a drape and pregnant for the third time.
A Drape who just wants to be Jane Mansfield. There are many rumors circling about her, but she is really a sincere and 'pure' girl.
A Drape that many others fear. She always carries around a switchblade and is not to be messed with.
Desperately wants to be a Drape. She is in love with Cry Baby.
Baldwin's doo-wop group and best friends. They want to have a hit on the radio.
Judge Stone, Father O’Brien, The Bailiff, Skippy Wagstaff, Radio DJ, Drape Ensemble, Square Ensemble