Character Breakdown
Our main protagonist. He has spent years living in seclusion. He is fed-up with Christmas and ingeniously decides to steal it. A beastly, charming, often silly curmudgeon. He is hilariously scary but with a softy’s heart underneath — think more Wile E. Coyote than Voldemort. He fancies himself a Vaudeville superstar with “champion-stock” DNA and has a personality that outsizes everybody else in Whoville.
Our storyteller who unexpectedly has a final memory that inspires him to celebrate the night of the Grinch’s transformation with the audience. A wise and somewhat weary old soul on the last legs of a spectacular life. He is trustworthy and charming and can “spin a yarn” like the best of them.
Misery loves company, but this peppy new pup refuses to succumb to the Grinch’s negativity and pessimism. He is lovable, charming, and always eager to please. He is indefatigably positive and fun. Everything the Grinch tries to destroy, Max catches before it breaks, never tiring of the Grinch’s antics.
She is the youngest child of the central Who family. She is the one person with a genuine heart of gold that can find and express love to the Grinch. She is still young enough to be guided by her sense of wonder and empathy and believes in the possibility for goodness in the Grinch.
The Father of the central Who Family. He is the calm eye of the storm, goodness and confidence pours out of him. He accidently indoctrinates the children of Whoville with the story of the boogeyman Grinch.
The Mother of the central Who Family. She is overwhelmed by the Christmas hysteria, and she is unsuccessfully struggling to maintain control of both her children and Grandpa and Grandma Who. Adorably annoying, funny, and a loving mother.
The eldest of the central Who family. He is gruff, comically grumpy, and enjoys antagonizing Mama Who and trying to scare the children with ghost stories. He loves Christmas and his grandchildren but is driven batty by both.
The matriarch of the central Who family who can solve any problem, a peacemaker. She is loving and warm. The children respect and listen to her, and she has the patience to calm both them and Mama Who.
Includes Citizens of Whoville and Children of Whoville.