Upcoming Productions in Your Area
Title | Address | Org Name | Website | Dates | Venue |
Sondheim On Sondheim |
23 Norden Street New Britain, CT 06051
United States |
Connecticut Theatre Company |
08/30/2024 to 09/15/2024
The Repertory Theatre | |
Sondheim on Sondheim |
Station Theatre Hayling Island
PO11 0EH |
Corpus Christi A.d.s. |
03/18/2025 to 03/22/2025
Station Theatre | |
Sondheim On Sondheim |
2706 E. Pershing Blvd. Cheyenne, WY 82001
United States |
Cheyenne Little Theatre Players |
http://www.cheyen... |
02/14/2025 to 03/02/2025
Mary Godfrey Playhouse |
Sondheim On Sondheim |
3600 Kingston Road Scarborough, ON M1M 1R9
Canada |
Scarborough Music Theatre |
https://theatresc... |
02/06/2025 to 02/22/2025
Scarborough Village Theatre Sd |